By Lake Zone Watch Writer
In its efforts to ensure improved productivity in the agricultural sector, the government has increased the budget for irrigation farming for more than 8 times in two fiscal years, from 46.5bn/-in 2021/2022 to 373.5bn/- this financial year.
Signing 20 contracts for irrigation farming in Dodoma yesterday, Minister for Agriculture Hussein Bashe told Prime Minister Kassim Majaliwa that the government has enabled transformation of the agriculture sector in just a short period of time.
“ After the government budgetary boost, we’ve seen revolutionized agriculture in the most important areas, which have resulted in increased productivity and transformation into business farming,’’ said Bashe.
The Director General of the National Irrigation Commission, Raymond Mndolwa said a feasibility study is currently being conducted, with the aim of building and renovating 780 irrigation schemes in two years, while the target is to cover more than 980,000 hectares of farming land.