Serengeti Safari Marathon organisers apologise for failed expectations

By Lake Zone Watch writer

THE much-publicised Serengeti Safari Marathon held in Mara region yesterday ended in disaster with participants complaining of lack of medals and any form of entertainment like in other previous sports events.

Organisers of the event said although arrangements were excellent, there was much to be desired in terms of lack of medals and places where the participants could relax and enjoy after what they had sown and reaped.

“These challenges have made us we leaders of the clubs look like conmen in the eyes of our members. This has tarnished our image to our new members when it comes to mentioning Serengeti Safari Marathon. This has eroded our public trust when it comes to convincing participants to take part in exercises,” said the chairman of the Tarime Runners Club, Lusako Maurice.

It should be remembered that many participants attend the Serengeti Safari Marathon race for the sake of winning medals as a remembrance in their lives apart from being a union with other participants.

“We apologise to our participants, fans and well-wishers of the Serengeti Safari Marathon that we haven’t received the medals for reasons beyond our control,” said a statement released by the Serengeti Safari Marathon yesterday.

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