By Special Correspondent
The Mining Commission has conducted a special training workshop designed to enable locals participate and reap the fruits of mining from North Mara and Bulyanhulu gold mines.
Barrick Gold Corporation in partnership with the government of Tanzania through Twiga Minerals are in-charge of the operations of two giant gold mines.
The one-day local content workshop was held on Tuesday at Barrick North Mara Gold Mine.
Participants included senior supply chain officials from both Bulyanhulu and North Mara gold mines.
Barrick North Mara General Manager (GM), Apolinary Lyambiko commended the training workshop while predicting further improvements on the local content aspect.
“We will share the challenges and see how to improve and ensure that we comply with local content in mining. Our expectations are that there will be improvements after your coming,” the GM told the delegation from the Mining Commission.
The agenda of proper implementation of Barrick Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) projects was also given top priority during the one-day intensive workshop.
On Monday, the Mining Commission delegation visited a number of community projects supported by Barrick North Mara Gold Mine.
The projects include construction of Kenyangi Primary School at Motongo village, Matongo Agri-business youth project and a mega water project at Nyangoto which is now supplying clean water to approximately 34,000 villagers near the North Mara gold mine.
The 999 million shillings water project, implemented by CSR Barrick North Mara programme was inaugurated by the 2023 Uhuru Torch Race leader, Abdalla Shaib Kaim early last month.
The Mining Commission officials commended Barrick North Mara for investing massively on local development.
“Let me congratulate Barrick Gold for these initiatives though the issue of project sustainability is very significant,” said Andrew Mgaya, Inspector of Minerals and Business at the Mining Commission.
Besides getting time to interact with a number of community leaders on issues pertaining to CSR projects, the Mining Commission team led by Mgaya had also an opportunity to take a tour of Gokona underground mining pit at North Mara.